Our company

Wide experience working with patents, trade marks and Industrial Property since 1950

Manresa Industrial Property was founded in 1931 by Mr. Don Manuel De Rafael Garcia, and later was succeeded by Mr. Don Manuel Manresa Val

The company works above all in industrial property area, and provides assessment to companies, persons and other professionals in the area of intellectual property.

Manuel Manresa

Is a Agente de la Propiedad Industrial, European Patent Attorney and registered Attorney before the WIPO (trade marks and international designs) and before the OHIM (Community trade marks and designs). He has a wide experience working with patents and trade marks and has been working in Industrial Property since 1950.

Enrique Manresa

Lawyer, Agente de la Propiedad Industrial, European Patent Attorney, Registered Attorney before the WIPO (international trade marks and designs) and before the OHIM (Community trade marks and designs). Member of the American Intellectual Property Law Association. Together with Mr. Manuel MANRESA VAL, he is the head of the Trade mark Department.

Josep M. Manresa

Lawyer, Agente de la Propiedad Industrial (Spanish qualifying exams 1998), Legal Practitioner before the European Patent Office and Registered Attorney before the WIPO (international trade marks and designs) and before the OHIM (Community trade marks and designs), member of the American Intellectual Property Law Association. He is the head of the Patent Department.

It has a great competence and quality, that is the consequence of the evolution and experience, the collaboration with other colleges and agents from all around the world, as well as a carefully selected client portfolio.

The main objective of the company is to assess client in order to protect their inventions and names in the best way and with the lowest cost, by using our practice and experience and different International Agrements and Conventions which allow us to apply for multiple registers.

All the above is in part thanks to the company staff formed by high quality internal and external supporting experts, as well as to a good and professional service and a wide network of agents all over the world.

At the other sections of this website you may find more concrete information about the different types of Industrial Property and their protection and effects. If you have any question, do not hesitate to contact us by email.

Organisations where we are entitled