
Designs claim a specific and original form or shape; that is to say, what is visually perceived. The Designs in Spain have progressed from the Industrial Designs and Industrial Models of the old Statute of the Industrial Property to Designs of the New Law which includes under only one name, both names. They can be renewed for five years from the application date up to a maximum of 25 years and can be grouped in up to fifty models.

Communitarian Designs follow the same scheme as Spanish ones, and are valid for a initial period of 5 years, being renewable for periods of 5 years until a maximum of 25 years. There are no limits in the models. This Design protects all European Union countries at the same time.

“Designs claim a specific and original form or shape; that is to say, what is visually perceived.”

With regards to the International Industrial Models it should be mentioned that, occasionally and depending on the countries, there must be studied the agreement to be applied (London and Geneva).

At the “Forms” section you will find and can download a file that contains an individual Power of Attorney. You may also find a “General Power of Attorney” that allows its registration in the Trade marks and Patents Office so that no more Power of Attorney are necessary in the future.